I’m not good at making official statements but I want to give some explanation of what i’m putting out there on the internet in my music and photography. I’ve been doing both photography and music since I was about 8 years old. They both gave me something to did into with my obsessive personality and my tendency to deep focus until I wear myself out. The music and photography have sometimes brought me in some funds but that’s not my primary motivation. For a lot of the time, I have not made money from the efforts I put in. But with a little experience, Music and Photography can bring in funds, so there’s still hope for me there right, but I wanted to talk about the content and my personal work here.
I started MOJOKISS.COM in 2005 as a way to catalog my photography and music in a sharable way. I’m proud of it and happy when anyone says they have visited.
My Photography
I settled into portrait photography around 2005 using film cameras. I continued using film cameras during travels along the east coast for a few years before getting a digital camera from my brother. But soon went back to film because of the availability of lenses. So most of my work is film. The subjects are often professional models who are great to work with. I try to create something unique and powerful with each shoot. Hopefully my work speaks for itself because I’m not great at explaining it.
My Music
I’m all over the place with music. I guess sounds and visions are deeply involving to my imagination and attention. But in time I have settled into stringed instruments and voice. I’ve been writing songs since I was about 12 years old.
I play violin, banjo, guitars, bass, mandolin, some piano, etc.
Currently I am working on busking material for my mandola-uke.