Natural Sand Dune Beach Shoot with Interesting Fashion Model

Hidden Among the Dunes

Model IG: dismantling_illusions

We walked to the north end of the natural beach where no tourists ventured to go. There were a few sailboards and boats, as it was the weekend, and a lovely overcast day. Jennifer and I climbed up over the steep sandy bank and into the belly of the island where the dunes and short scrubby vegetation lie protected from the worst of the winds and storms. We were just out for a little quick early evening photo shoot, no plans, just spontaneous. This was a chance for me to brush up on my photo skills, and they are easy to lose if not used regularly. It’s also a lot of physical work, and I could have used the exercise. Here’s a few opening shots.

Our First Shoot

This was our first shoot together tho we had met up a couple days before after a mutual photographer friend, introduced us. We felt it was a good idea to just get out and hang and flow and that’s just what we did. Here’s some more pics.

We Talked About Madonna

She showed me some ideas from some pics on her phone via internet stuff of Madonna and I was like, “Madonna was the first naked girl I ever saw” which wasn’t really true but as far as in a publication maybe. We talked about wardrobe and location ideas for our next shoot maybe. You’ll have to wait and see. Here’s the last set. A few closeups.

Author: Mojo Kiss
Musician and Photographer with an affinity for the web: blogging, social networking, seo and web production. Residing in the great sunshine state of FL Obsessive researcher and do it yourselfer. A never ending ambition to learn and develop new skills.