Model Photoshoot on Location with 35mm and Medium Format Film Only and Strobe

Shooting a Model at Sunset with a Strobe and Film

Bring a light meter for this one! I don’t remember why we were using film this day, but I think it might have been because I liked the lenses on my film cameras, and I liked the way a 35mm film plane looked in images. I was shooting with a strobe outside and there was no electrical outlet, so I used a portable battery power by way of a car jumping unit and a little laptop power cigarette lighter converter type of thing. I probably triggered it with a wireless unit on my camera plugged into the little flash trigger socket these vintage cameras have. I’m surprised it worked at all. For this first group I used my Hasselblad CM500 and no strobe.

Great Models Matter

Mandy Murphy did great work that day and always showed up with focus and energy, ready to make something happen. She has the best attitude. This is a winning combination, and she looks incredible always. It’s not easy finding models like this. You just either find them or you don’t. Usually they find you if you are both in the same network for any given time, or people put you together.

The Strobe Shots

I love natural light but its fun to have some strobe shots, especially if the composition allows for mixing bother natural and strobe light sources into a nice poppy product.

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A Few More Frames

These are called landscape format shots because the long side is top and bottom instead of portrait which is both sides being the longer edge.

Author: Mojo Kiss
Musician and Photographer with an affinity for the web: blogging, social networking, seo and web production. Residing in the great sunshine state of FL Obsessive researcher and do it yourselfer. A never ending ambition to learn and develop new skills.