It’s amazing starting over. New facebook, new instagram, new youtube, new twitter. It’s another learning chapter. It’s kind of nice, even tho it wasn’t by choice and I was hacked and youtube/google and facebook/instagram are incompetent tyrannical dystopian monopolies run by robots.
I don’t need the internet to have relationships. It’s much better to just drive and visit real people instead of collecting internet account subscriptions. That’s good for making money, but honestly I’m not worried about money. I play music for a living and it’s very satisfying if not a bit hard work at times due to the load in and tear down and playing for hours on my feet in rooms that apparently don’t know I’m even there. It’s not ideal, but I have found ways to enjoy it.
I’d rather play music for money than take pictures for money. Music is a bit more free and flexible. I take pictures for myself and I play music for others, loosely.
I’ve been saying “yes” to all the gigs that come my way lately unless they are a bit too far away and not paying enough. I’m still getting used to being a “full time” musician. And it’s kinda the right thing for me to do at this point in my life. I have to maximize my reputation and my network and fight like a Mother Führer to stay in that top niche. Musicians are actually not very catty compared to the photo industry unless they are really glammy musicians and using the leverage of light and shadow like photographers do which hinges on narcissism. In music all you have to do is show up. In photography you have to be a master of puppets wizard.
I did a bunch of new songs last night at my house party gigs. Some Prince, some John Lennon. And I got to use my new amp for the 2nd time at a gig. That amp is going to get torn up being dragged around like this every day. And its a pretty amp that should be kept in a bedroom. Now it lives in my mercedes.
I love my car. I sold my 6th sailboat and bought that car after a 400 mile sail from Annapolis to Wilmington. That was an amazing and slow adventure. I could get a van but they are embarrassing, conspicuous, bad on gas, hard to park, even tho they are more comfortable but in the summer they are useless because it’s too hot to even lay down in a van. Just lay in a hammock for that matter.
I need to find models. Wanna shoot? Also I need to take interesting pictures.
So yeah. I’m virtually unknown at this point. Which is slightly less known that I was before.
Author: Mojo Kiss
Musician and Photographer with an affinity for the web: blogging, social networking, seo and web production. Residing in the great sunshine state of FL
Obsessive researcher and do it yourselfer.
A never ending ambition to learn and develop new skills.